Bath women’s fund – please feedback and shape

Please give us your thoughts about shaping this.

We are asking you as a young woman who takes part in BFESG Supplementary school or has taken part in the past.

Please see the project outline and aims below:

Please give us your thoughts on how you would shape it further. Or any feedback about the idea and how we might achieve it.

Please either email me on

or whatsapp me with voice or text on +447806839523

or use the form below

(name email etc is optional…but you do have to complete the simple math captcha at the bottom. To show you are not a spambot.)

Project Outline

The organisation plans to deliver a new “Inspire and Aspire Project”, through its existing Supplementary School, specifically aimed at Black and Minority Ethnic girls and young women.

The Black Families Education Support Group is in the unique situation of celebrating 30 years of its work in 2023, and as a result it plans to deliver a new initiative which is built on bringing three different generations of local Black and Minority Ethnic women, young women and girls together within an educational and pastoral programme that aims to share lived experiences, particularly around race, racism and identity, along with educational, career and financial knowledge and expertise.

The project will also create a new Alumni Programme, made up of previous participants in the organisations Supplementary School Programme, who will act as positive role models and mentors contributing to a programme of sessions, talks and podcasts, alongside other guest contributors drawn from local and national Black and Minority Ethnic female role models, aiming to support and inspire the current cohort of girls attending the Supplementary School, in relation to their emotional, social and financial resilience.

Please describe the women and/or girls you will be supporting with this project/service: what are the barriers these women and/or girls face?

The project / service will be specifically supporting Black and Minority Ethnic girls and young women aged 9-18 who face a range of barriers within the education system.

They can feel isolated and unsupported, particularly in the context of mainly white school environments across B&NES, and risk developing issues in relation to their emotional well being, confidence, identity and self esteem.

This girl’s testimony illustrates her experience at school;

“I had several occasions of racial abuse at school. Black Families Education Support Group worked with my family to make sure I took part in their activities. I found myself around more people like me from different backgrounds who didn’t judge me but understood my situation and this made me feel confident. This has given me the motivation to get through college and apply for university”

(17 year old Mixed Race White / Black Caribbean girl).

 Black and Minority Ethnic girls and young women also face barriers and disadvantages in relation to curriculum content which doesn’t reflect their history, heritage or perspective; or situations in schools where race and racism are not effectively recognised, understood and addressed.

As a result of these barriers they are at risk of disengagement with learning, educational under achievement and developing a lack of confidence about their potential to succeed, leading to reduced life chances in terms of social and economic success.

In addition negative perceptions in relation to issues of identity, may impact negatively on their level of resilience and their social and emotional well being.

So what do you think?

Please either email me on

or whatsapp me with voice or text on


or use the form below (name email etc is optional…but you do have to complete the simple math captcha at the bottom. To show you are not a spambot.)

Thanks so much.
I will see if I can get your answers asap.



4 responses to “Bath women’s fund – please feedback and shape”

  1. This is a great idea! I think having mentors for young Black girls is really important. I think giving them resources whether that’s books, podcasts or films that represent powerful Black women. I think teaching young Black girls as well that they have the power to be the representation they want to see. Providing academic support and accountability would be wonderful too. I think just also having someone to talk to that they relate to. Maybe assisting in getting access to general counselling as well can be really beneficial because before you even experience anything specifically traumatic in your life, the very existence of being a young Black woman in a majority white place is bizarre and traumatising and I think a lot of people would benefit from being able to talk about that experience.

    I think also on the subject of curriculum, I think we need be challenging the younger generation to be critical thinkers and to be active in challenging what they’re learning. If young girls aren’t resonating with the curriculum, point them in the direction of orgs like The Black Curriculum and get them involved in activism work.

  2. I have accessed the supplementary school historically and as an adult now, I recognise the importance of representation of black women in the education system and in life as a whole. Far too often black women and young girls are over sexualised and not included in discussions about safety issues etc and over aged ,often in the school are punished more harshly than their white counterparts because “they should know better” black girls are also overlooked and often not encouraged to grow to their full potential. Black families can help young black girls to reach their full potential by breaking down barriers and providing encouragement by inspiring through education and life

  3.  avatar

    Black Families Group has always helped me through any racial issues i’ve experienced and it’s so important to have people that understand your experiences. BFSEG is really helpful to give me a place to feel safe to share things with people that go through similiar situations.

  4. I think this is a fantastic idea and opportunity to support and empower young black females. The school system and agenda seams to teach about slavery which can be dehumanising and leave negative out look
    of what and who black people are in society.

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